Sunday, December 18, 2016

Four Practical and Four Moral Reasons to Make Your City a Sanctuary City | gadflyonthewallblog

Four Practical and Four Moral Reasons to Make Your City a Sanctuary City | gadflyonthewallblog:

Four Practical and Four Moral Reasons to Make Your City a Sanctuary City
There’s an entire underclass of people living among us.
140702141351-immigration-boy-american-flag-story-topThese are people like you or me who have no choice but to do the most menial jobs for meager pay under the table. And when reality-TV-stars-turned-politicians like Donald Trump come around offering to solve all our problems with magic, you know who they blame for everything? THEM!
They’re illegal immigrants. They had the gumption to flee countries with worse economies than ours for the privilege of being our construction workers, housekeepers, gardeners and janitors. They are the fruit and vegetable pickers and the restaurant workers putting food on our tables.
They don’t collect social security, they don’t have health benefits or retirement plans and employers can pay them less than minimum wage. Heck! We can do almost whatever we want to them because who are they going to complain to – the police? If they do anything to get noticed by the law, they could be deported. So they keep a low profile doing the work no one else wants while the rest of us allow ourselves to be fooled into accepting them as easy scapegoats for all our ills.
What we need are sensible immigration laws that offer these people a path to citizenship, a way for them to climb out of perpetual servitude and fear. But that would cost us too much money, so it will never happen.
The least we can do – literally the least – is allow them some moderate amount of safety. We can let them partake in the minimum advantages of our society – protection from crime, a safe place to live, schools for their children, and an end to Four Practical and Four Moral Reasons to Make Your City a Sanctuary City | gadflyonthewallblog: