Monday, December 5, 2016

Boston students plan walkout in protest of Trump - The Boston Globe #bpswalkout

Boston students plan walkout in protest of Trump - The Boston Globe:

Boston students plan walkout Monday in protest of Trump

Students across Boston plan to walk out of their classes Monday afternoon, marching to the State House and City Hall with demands that Massachusetts leaders stand up to President-elect Donald Trump.
Organizers expect hundreds to join, including students from middle school, high school, and college. Participants will demand that Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Governor Charlie Baker protect public education and make sure everyone can feel safe in Massachusetts.
“We have to organize our young people,” said co-organizer Gabriela Pereira, a 16-year-old student at South Boston High School. “Just because we can’t vote doesn’t mean our voice doesn’t matter.”

She said many students are alarmed by Trump’s rhetoric, his policy proposals, and the people he has hired. Protesters are also asking local politicians to denounce Steve Bannon, Trump’s proposed chief White House strategist, and white supremacist movements.
Students participating in the walkout, who are scheduled to begin leaving their schools at 1 p.m., say they want to show their solidarity with undocumented immigrants, women, people of color, and LGBTQ individuals.
Protesters plan to gather on Boston Common at 2 p.m., march to the State House at 3, then rally at City Hall at 4, according to the group’s Facebook page.
This walkout follows two others earlier this year, organized by many of the same students, Pereira Boston students plan walkout in protest of Trump - The Boston Globe:
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