Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Behind the Smiles: How Teachers “Personalize” Education During the Holidays

Behind the Smiles: How Teachers “Personalize” Education During the Holidays:

Behind the Smiles: How Teachers “Personalize” Education During the Holidays


This is dedicated to all those caring teachers who worked so hard over the last few weeks despite being tired or having their own problems to make the holidays special for their students.
As a teacher, I don’t have to tell other teachers how important it is to look behind student smiles during the holidays—and always. Teachers know this. They are better than any iChrome or tech device when it comes to understanding problems children might be facing.
Children and teens are proud. They could be going through the worst time in their lives and still smile and tell you everything is fine.
Often, though, it is their teachers they will confide in–who they see as those who care.
This is especially true during the holidays when we are all supposed to be happy and in fine form. It’s the time of year where magic is supposed to happen.
Unfortunately, for many children magic never happens. Teachers are especiallyBehind the Smiles: How Teachers “Personalize” Education During the Holidays: