Sunday, November 13, 2016

Trump Lite or the Dark Donald: A Reagan Impersonator or a Proto-Fascist? | Ed In The Apple

Trump Lite or the Dark Donald: A Reagan Impersonator or a Proto-Fascist? | Ed In The Apple:

Trump Lite or the Dark Donald: A Reagan Impersonator or a Proto-Fascist?

Image result for Trump Lite or the Dark Donald: A Reagan Impersonator or a Proto-Fascist?

Will the president-elect govern as Trump lite, a blustering demeanor outside; following a Reagan agenda, or, will candidate Trump, the dark, retributive Donald be the dark, retributive President Trump?
At the Wednesday regularly scheduled Delegate Meeting the expected victory lap became a wake. UFT President Mulgrew scraped the agenda and asked the delegates: what happened in your school today? How should the union respond?
Students were frightened and angry:  Would their parents be deported? What would happen to them? Would high school students be barred from attending college? Read the Mulgrew letter here.
AFT President Weingarten, an undefeatable campaigner for Hillary wrote in a letter to her membership,
Throughout this campaign, Donald Trump promised to fix the rigged economy. He promised to restore America’s middle class, to bring back the country’s manufacturing and industrial base, and to restore dignity and opportunity for Americans—values that we as trade unionists understand intimately…. as Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday, we owe President-elect Trump the chance to lead. We will also hold him accountable for the promises he made to restore the sense of greatness and opportunity that too many Americans feel they have Trump Lite or the Dark Donald: A Reagan Impersonator or a Proto-Fascist? | Ed In The Apple: