Monday, November 21, 2016

Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 11/21/16

Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 11/21/16

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Trump and Potential Education Secretaries Talked Choice, Common Core - Politics K-12 - Education Week

Spotlight on the "Doggedly Determined" Education Voters of Pennsylvania | Schott Foundation for Public Education
Spotlight on the "Doggedly Determined" Education Voters of Pennsylvania | Schott Foundation for Public Education : Spotlight on the "Doggedly Determined" Education Voters of Pennsylvania In honor of #GivingTuesday on November 29th, the Schott Foundation has reached out to some of our grantee partners to get the low-down on what they do, who they’re doing it for, and the challenges that they handl
Some fight back news that came across my desk. | Fred Klonsky
Some fight back news that came across my desk. | Fred Klonsky : Some fight back news that came across my desk. Brooklyn’s International High School at Prospect Staff participating in the UFT Day of Action against racism, homophobia and misogyny. TUES, 12:30PM: Rep. Guzzardi introduces bill to prevent IL dollars from building Trump’s border wall Calls on Gov. Rauner to stand against Trump’s agenda
CURMUDGUCATION: MI: State Tells Students To Get Lost (If you can read this, don't thank Gov. Snyder)
CURMUDGUCATION: MI: State Tells Students To Get Lost (If you can read this, don't thank Gov. Snyder) : MI: State Tells Students To Get Lost (If you can read this, don't thank Gov. Snyder) Last September, seven Detroit school children filed suit against the state of Michigan for depriving those children of an actual education. The state's defense is... well, not encouraging. Let's dispense with th
People Power Trounces Big, Dark Money, as Charter Expansion Suffers Decisive Defeat - Network For Public Education
People Power Trounces Big, Dark Money, as Charter Expansion Suffers Decisive Defeat - Network For Public Education : People Power Trounces Big, Dark Money, as Charter Expansion Suffers Decisive Defeat A bright spot in an extremely dark election landscape came from Massachusetts voters, who soundly defeated a ballot question to lift restrictions on charter school expansion last week. Question 2 wo
President of nation's largest teachers union: "We have every reason to fear" Trump | Bloglander
President of nation's largest teachers union: "We have every reason to fear" Trump | Bloglander : President of nation's largest teachers union: "We have every reason to fear" Trump On Wednesday, the head of the National Education Association, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, visited Spokane for the first time. The NEA is the nation's largest teachers union. Garcia, a former Utah teacher of the year, has bee
Alliances Between Social Justice Activists In Communities Of Color And Teachers Unions
Policy Briefs | New Jersey City University : DEVELOPING AND SUSTAINING MUTUALLY RESPECTFUL ALLIANCES BETWEEN SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTIVISTS IN COMMUNITIES OF COLOR AND TRANSFORMED TEACHERS UNIONS SUMMARY Currently teachers unions and education activists in communities of color in cities are often at odds about reforms that are enacted in the name of equalizing educational opportunity. Yet, each group h
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Corporate ed reformers throw in with Trump
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Corporate ed reformers throw in with Trump : Corporate ed reformers throw in with Trump Ivanka Trump visits Eva Moskowitz' Success Academy Charter School. It looks like they've dropped their phony rhetoric about charter schools being "the civil rights issue of our time." Following the Democrat's devastating loss to Trump, one by one, the corporate reformers and cham
The Day the SUPERs Came to the Ohio Statehouse - Network For Public Education
The Day the SUPERs Came to the Ohio Statehouse - Network For Public Education : The Day the SUPERs Came to the Ohio Statehouse The Ohio Legislature’s ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) majority has been actively pushing legislation geared towards privatizing Ohio public schools for quite a while, drastically reducing state funding while diverting taxpayer dollars away from local public
Trumplandia 2016 (Prelude): What Mainstream Media Hath Wrought | the becoming radical
Trumplandia 2016 (Prelude): What Mainstream Media Hath Wrought | the becoming radical : Trumplandia 2016 (Prelude): What Mainstream Media Hath Wrought The election of Barack Obama prompted a rash claim that the U.S. was officially post-racial. As a cruel commentary on that misinterpretation of the first black president, the era of Donald Trump has coincided with the Oxford Dictionary naming “post
Teachers told their students everything would be OK after the election. Now, they're not so sure - LA Times
Teachers told their students everything would be OK after the election. Now, they're not so sure - LA Times : Teachers told their students everything would be OK after the election. Now, they're not so sure For months leading up to the presidential election, elementary school teacher Ingrid Villeda tried to instill in her students a certain faith in democracy. The 18-year veteran of L.A. Unified
From Policy To Personnel: Pence's Possible Influence On Education | StateImpact Indiana
From Policy To Personnel: Pence's Possible Influence On Education | StateImpact Indiana : From Policy To Personnel: Pence’s Possible Influence On Education President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to name his choices for top cabinet positions, with 60 days until he assumes the Oval Office. One role that’s still up in the air: Secretary of Education. Sure, there are rumors who it could be, inclu
State says literacy not a right in Detroit
State says literacy not a right in Detroit : State says literacy not a right in Detroit Attorneys for Gov. Rick Snyder say no fundamental right to literacy exists for Detroit schoolchildren who are suing the state over the quality of their education. The governor’s lawyers are asking a federal judge to reject what they call an “attempt to destroy the American tradition of democratic control of sc
Get to Know Donald Trump's Education Transition Team - Politics K-12 - Education Week
Get to Know Donald Trump's Education Transition Team - Politics K-12 - Education Week : Get to Know Donald Trump's Education Transition Team The folks on President-elect Donald Trump's education transition team will help set the policy course—and likely, even appoint key personnel—for the new administration. Their backgrounds could provide clues on the direction the Trump administration wants to
Is California headed for a showdown with President Trump over immigration? | 89.3 KPCC
Is California headed for a showdown with President Trump over immigration? | 89.3 KPCC : Is California headed for a showdown with President Trump over immigration? California law lets college students without legal immigration status pay in-state tuition, just as legal California residents do. Another recently-enacted law provides state-funded health insurance for unauthorized immigrant youths un
New Mexico schools aim to ease immigrant student nerves :: SI&A Cabinet Report
New Mexico schools aim to ease immigrant student nerves :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet : New Mexico schools aim to ease immigrant student nerves (N.M.) As schools across the country report increases in bullying and harassment based on immigration status, Santa Fe Public Schools has announced a Student Support Helpline where families can access
Five things to understand about LA Unified's stand for undocumented immigrant students | 89.3 KPCC
Five things to understand about LA Unified's stand for undocumented immigrant students | 89.3 KPCC : Five things to understand about LA Unified's stand for undocumented immigrant students For the estimated 13 percent of the kids in California public schools who has at least one parent who's an undocumented immigrant — and the more than 245,000 children in the state who are undocumented themselves
Trump and Potential Education Secretaries Talked Choice, Common Core - Politics K-12 - Education Week
Trump and Potential Education Secretaries Talked Choice, Common Core - Politics K-12 - Education Week : Trump and Potential Education Secretaries Talked Choice, Common Core President-elect Donald Trump Saturday met with two education leaders rumored to be under consideration to serve as his education secreary Saturday: former Washington, D.C. schools chancellor Michelle Rhee and Betsy DeVos, the
Arrogance and Hubris at the University of Connecticut - Wait What?
Arrogance and Hubris at the University of Connecticut - Wait What? : Arrogance and Hubris at the University of Connecticut The great actor and musician Theodore Bikel once said; All too often arrogance accompanies strength, and we must never assume that justice is on the side of the strong. The use of power must always be accompanied by moral choice. As if to prove the point, in recent years, the
Everybody Should Read This New Policy Brief: Lessons from NCLB for ESSA | janresseger
Everybody Should Read This New Policy Brief: Lessons from NCLB for ESSA | janresseger : Everybody Should Read This New Policy Brief: Lessons from NCLB for ESSA In the context of President-elect Donald Trump’s promise that his education plan will be based on the ideology of increased privatization, it is refreshing and instructive to read the new research-based (seven and a half pages of footnotes
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES : WEEKEND QUOTABLES Brandon Victor Dixon (Aaron Burr) “We, sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir." -- Hamilton cast to Mike Pence Alt-Right leader, Richard B. Spencer “I do think we have
The story behind the Staples boycott, teachers, postal workers and my drawing for a Facebook page. | Fred Klonsky
The story behind the Staples boycott, teachers, postal workers and my drawing for a Facebook page. | Fred Klonsky : The story behind the Staples boycott, teachers, postal workers and my drawing for a Facebook page I received a text from my New York friend Dennis, an activist with the postal workers union and the New York Stop Staples campaign. “I have a proposition for you. An art commission. And
Why Students Can’t Google Their Way to the Truth (Sam Wineburg and Sarah McGrew) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Why Students Can’t Google Their Way to the Truth (Sam Wineburg and Sarah McGrew) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice : Why Students Can’t Google Their Way to the Truth (Sam Wineburg and Sarah McGrew) Sam Wineburg is a professor in the Stanford University Graduate School of Education. Sarah McGrew is pursuing her doctorate in curriculum and teacher education at Stanford. This com
Trump Time Capsule #2: Eliminating “gun-free zones” in schools |
Trump Time Capsule #2: Eliminating “gun-free zones” in schools | : Trump Time Capsule #2: Eliminating “gun-free zones” in schools Editor’s Note: In the spring of 2016, James Fallows, the senior editor of The Atlantic Monthly magazine, began what he called a series of “time capsules” that could, in the future, provide a key as to what Americans were thinking during the election campaign–as Trump b


Another Excerpt from Demand the Impossible! A Radical Manifesto | Bill Ayers
Another Excerpt from Demand the Impossible! A Radical Manifesto | Bill Ayers : Another Excerpt from Demand the Impossible! A Radical Manifesto Bill Ayers -- Demand the Impossible!: A Radical Manifesto | Haymarket Books - [DEMAND the IMPOSSIBLE! is available from Haymarket Books or any local bookstore. I thought I was finished a month ago post
Councilwoman Gym’s statement on the Board of Ethics Settlement with Mastery Charter | Parents United for Public Education
Councilwoman Gym’s statement on the Board of Ethics Settlement with Mastery Charter | Parents United for Public Education : Councilwoman Gym’s statement on the Board of Ethics Settlement with Mastery Charter “Last school year, the School Reform Commission approved Mastery’s bid to take over the Wister School in an unprecedented 11th hour move that went against the recommendation of Superintendent
Trump opposes federal involvement in education. But do his plans ensure a ‘Race to the Bank’? - The Washington Post
Trump opposes federal involvement in education. But do his plans ensure a ‘Race to the Bank’? - The Washington Post : Trump opposes federal involvement in education. But do his plans ensure a ‘Race to the Bank’? President-elect Donald Trump has said repeatedly that he doesn’t suppose a strong federal involvement in public education. It’s a district and state responsibility, he says, and that’s ho
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 11/20/16
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 11/20/16 Featured Post How Hungry Kids Will Fare Under Trump | Civil Eats CURMUDGUCATION: Real Teacher Accountability by mike simpson / 14min CURMUDGUCATION: Real Teacher 

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