Sunday, November 20, 2016

Moskowitz and Rhee: A Teacher’s Viewpoint

Moskowitz and Rhee: A Teacher’s Viewpoint:

Moskowitz and Rhee: A Teacher’s Viewpoint

no choice of choice written with chalk on blackboard

Many educators and parents have expressed concerns about Eva Moskowitz or Michelle Rhee becoming Secretary of Education. Moskowitz has declined the post, but Ivanka Trump visited her charter school, and some fear she is still being courted. They seem to value her input.
From a teacher’s viewpoint, I wanted to document why so many resent the appointment of either of these women.
Other candidates for the post are worrisome too. Betsy DeVos is a huge voucher proponent in the State of Michigan, although the voucher amendment she peddled there failed. And Jerry Falwell Jr. would likely change the face of public schooling and religious liberties.
The goal of the Trump administration appears to be to destroy democratic public schools.
Do Republicans really want this? Do Democrats? Where have the teachers unions been on this issue? Do they feel they have no say?
From a teacher’s viewpoint, I thought I’d write about how difficult it is to observe the promotion of a Moskowitz or Rhee in this position because both have been up close and Moskowitz and Rhee: A Teacher’s Viewpoint: