Wednesday, November 16, 2016

ESP Day: Honoring the Hard-Working Women and Men who Help Educate the Whole Student

ESP Day: Honoring the Hard-Working Women and Men who Help Educate the Whole Student:

ESP Day: Honoring the Hard-Working Women and Men who Help Educate the Whole Student

Image result for education support professionals (ESP),

From coast to coast, students, teachers, and parents are rolling out the red carpet in a national day of recognition for education support professionals (ESP), who are integral members of the education team.
As part of American Education Week (AEW) 2016, ESP Day (Nov. 16) focuses on the importance of these school employees, who make up 40 percent of the school staff and take care of students every day, making sure they have the tools they need to succeed in school.
Among the day’s events and activities are appreciation breakfasts, luncheons, and other celebrations to honor the individuals who work behind the scenes to support students and help schools run smoothly.
NEA President Lily Eskelsen GarcĂ­a, along with National ESP of the Year Doreen McGuire Grigg and Council for Education Support President Debby Chandler will spend the day today honoring the hard work and dedication of ESPs from Rogers High School in Spokane, Wash. The trio teamed up with the DUDE. be nice Project to pull off a series of surprises!
NEA Secretary-Treasures Thanks ESPs During American Education Week 2016
NEA Secretary-Treasurer Princess Moss Thanks ESPs During American Education Week 2016
At a kick-off event on Tuesday, NEA Secretary-Treasurer Princess Moss—joined by Dawn Lewis, president of the Education Association of Alexandria (EAA)—spent the day yesterday in Alexandria, Va. The duo visited three area schools: TC Williams High School, George Mason Elementary School, and Francis C. Hammond Middle School.
Like any good guest, Moss came bearing a special gift: Each school received from NEA a $1,000 check for programs and services that will benefit staff and students!
“Our school support staff has many needs and this money will go toward helping them in their work,” says Moss.
But more than just the check, the day proved to be a whirlwind of excitement, celebration, and emotion.
“Education support staff are near and dear to my heart because both of my parents were public school bus drivers,” said Moss. “I have an appreciation…for ESPs because ESP Day: Honoring the Hard-Working Women and Men who Help Educate the Whole Student: