Sunday, November 20, 2016

CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: Yikes, There's Snow Edition (11/20) + Deasy To Start Newest New Conversation

CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: Yikes, There's Snow Edition (11/20):


As always, share the originals for anything here that you like. And in the meantime, let it snow.

TFA Wants My Money: Why I Said No

Perhaps Kevin Huffman shouldn't have sent his fund-raising letter to one of the TFA alumni who published a book about the abusive scamming of TFA

Pat and Fred Cody's American Story: Resistance and Resiliance

Anthony Cody tells the story of his parents, the fifties, and HUAC's abuses

ELOs- How Community Based Learning Advances the Cyber Education Agenda

One more thing to watch out for as we stay alert for further moves to replace schools with screens.

What Are You Doing To Teach Students To Spot Sketchy News Stories

One of the stories to come out of the election is the widespread dissemination of fake news. Bill Ferriter offers some concrete methods for teaching your students to be smarter than that.

Doing Well By Doing Good: For-Profit Schools

Larry Cuban takes a look at the not-very-successful history of for-profit education.

Trump's 20 Billion School Choice Plan-- Is It Doable?

Alyson Klein looks at Trump's education plan ("throw money at charters") and tries to see how or if it could be done.

A Beacon of Excellence

Charles Sahm of the Manhattan Institute, usually pushers of charters, writes a glowing review of a public school.

Evidence for the Disconnect Between Changing Test Scores and Changing Life Outcomes

Jay Greene is planted firmly in the reform camp, but that rarely keeps him from calling bullshit. Here he attacks one of the basic assumptions of reformsterdom-- the idea that raising a child's test scores improves that child's future.

Here Are Corporations and Right Wing Funders Backing Education Reform Movement

From back in April, a handy little resource from Media Matters, this is a fairly large list and set of charts showing some of the drivers on the right-tilted side of ed reform. We can quibble about what was or wasn't included (does DFER get to be counted as left-leaning just because they say so in the face of all evidence to the contrary). But it's still a handy guide to some of the players.
CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: Yikes, There's Snow Edition (11/20):

CURMUDGUCATION: Deasy To Start Newest New Conversation -

Big Education Ape: Catch up with CURMUDGUCATION: FL: Charter Teacher Fired for Assigning Reading + The Faux Progressive Polka -