Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tada! Students Soon to Get Trained Dance and Theatre Teachers

Tada! Students Soon to Get Trained Dance and Theatre Teachers:

Tada! Students Soon to Get Trained Dance and Theatre Teachers

TADA! made it through both houses of the legislature, buoyed by the support of the California Teachers Association, California Federation of Teachers, California Dance Education Association and California Educational Theatre Association. This effort picked up many vocal allies along the way, including actress Annette Bening (shown above), who testified on behalf of the bill in the Senate Education Committee.

California students, living in the arts and entertainment capital of the country, will now be provided education by credentialed Theatre and Dance educators. The Theatre and Dance Act (TADA!), authored by Senator Ben Allen (D – Santa Monica) and supported by a coalition of advocates led by the California Alliance for Arts Education, was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown today.
“Up until now, dance teachers had to get a PE credential to teach dance in California,” says Jessy Kronenberg, Co-President of California Dance Education Association. “PE dance is beneficial for coordination and team-building, but dance as art fosters the 21st century skills of critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity.”
Twice before, legislative efforts to create these credentials were vetoed by the governor at that time.
“This is an issue that has burned in the hearts and minds of arts education advocates since 1970, when dance and theatre credentials were eliminated by the Ryan Act” says California Alliance for Arts Education Executive Director, Joe Landon. “Over a thousand advocates responded to our action alerts and sent messages of support to their elected officials in Sacramento”
But, TADA! made it through both houses of the legislature without a single negative vote, buoyed by the support of the California Teachers Association, California Federation of Teachers, California Dance Education Association and California Educational Theatre Association. This effort picked up many vocal allies along the way, including actress Annette Bening, who testified on behalf of the bill in the Senate Education Committee.
“I think it’s the right thing; it serves students, it dignifies our teachers, and it will uplift our community,” said Ms. Bening.
 “California is the arts and entertainment capital of the world, yet we are one of only two states in the country that does not authorize teaching credentials in theatre or dance,” Allen said.  “I am so pleased that we have finally elevated these two important disciplines to the stature they deserve,” he added.
“The next generation of theatre and dance teachers will be the proud bearers of theatre and dance credentials ensuring that California pre-K-12 students are instructed with sound pedagogy in a standards-based curriculum.,” said CETA President Carol Hovey.
At the same time, the Governor signed Assembly Bill 2862 (O’Donnell) into law enabling California to finally update its Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) content standards incorporate new practices and technologies to arts curriculum, instruction, and instructional materialsTada! Students Soon to Get Trained Dance and Theatre Teachers:

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Image result for kids dancing ballet animated gif
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