Monday, October 24, 2016

Nevada: Andre Agassi Charter School Is A Failing School, Along with Many Other Charters | Diane Ravitch's blog

Nevada: Andre Agassi Charter School Is A Failing School, Along with Many Other Charters | Diane Ravitch's blog:

Nevada: Andre Agassi Charter School Is A Failing School, Along with Many Other Charters

Angie Sullivan sent the following message. The charter schools of Nevada are performing far worse than the public schools. As Angie asks, how can more charters be the answer when they are the problem? Should the failing charters be handed over to another charter? Or should they be closed so the students return to the more successful public schools? Unfortunately, as the law is written, only low-scoring public schools can be closed, not failing charter schools. Another irony: The Andre Agassi Charter school is listed by the state as a “failing school,” yet Agassi and his business partner Bobby Turner are opening Andre Agassi charter schools in many other cities. Why? To make money, not to make better schools.
Angie writes:
We have 39 charters in the state of Nevada and 14 of them are on the lowest performing list. 36% of Nevada Charters are in the lowest of the low in the state.
We have 359 schools in Clark County School District. 2 of the schools listed are alternative schools that teach credit retrieval and adult education. 17 schools in the lowest of the low in the state. That is 5% of CCSD schools.
Can someone explain to me how charters are the solution and not the problem in my state?
Frankly the public schools are doing much much better than the charters – even according to this invalid and weird data.
Also . . . keep in mind these rural schools which are failing represent a huge percentage. If Elko has 22 schools and 5 are failing – that is 23% of all their schools.
Comparatively, Clark County School District is doing better than the rest of the state and especially better than the charters.
CCSD is serving the most disenfranchised and likely to fail communities – we are doing better than the rest WITH the least amount of per pupil money. Everyone else in the state – including charters gets more.
Just think what we could do if we funded near the middle?
Yet the Nevada Department of Education keeps threatening public school staff with turnaround and now the Achievement School District. Schools without textbooks or supplies have to have entire staffs interviewed right before holiday break?
I think we need to start having a REAL discussion about education our state.
We need to demand REAL and timely data if that is what is driving this vehicle – not this sketchy fly-by-night multiple list craziness.
Tomorrow the Charter Authority will be meeting with the Las Vegas City Council at noon.
Those in power need to have a REAL discussion about closing these failing charters and a REAL discussion about the other costs charters have in our communities.
Like receivership – with receivers from Washington DC getting paid $25,000 a month to come out and reorganize charters: Quest and Silver State Schools. Who makes $25,000 a month?
I recieved the following message from a concerned parent today:
The details how this charter school set itself up is a scam.
It is part of an eviction case.
Then the receiver gets paid $25,000 a month to rehabilitate it. Plus $35,000 for a report.
And the state is soliciting for MORE receivers!!!! (On the charter school authority page.)