Saturday, October 22, 2016

More money for schools at stake in two state measures

More money for schools at stake in two state measures:

More money for schools at stake in two state measures

Image result for yes Propositions 51 and
Image result for yes Propositions 55

Do California schools need more money to renovate campuses, build new facilities and provide services including full-time counselors, tutoring and reading specialists?
That's what voters will decide in two ballot measures appearing on the November ballot, Propositions 51 and 55.
Proposition 51 would provide $9 billion to renovate aging campuses and build new facilities. Four local school districts that are trying to pass their own bond measures in November would benefit if Proposition 51 passes because they could get matching funds for their construction projects. They are Fillmore Unified, Oak Park Unified, the K-8 Oxnard School District and Simi Valley Unified.
"The Legislature and governor have done nothing to help fund facilities in probably more than eight years," said Jeff Baarstad, a former superintendent of the Conejo Valley Unified School District who describes himself as a fiscal conservative and supports the proposition. "There are billions of dollars of projects waiting for funding."
  • Simi Valley needs to update 15 elementary schools that were built in the 1960s and early '70s, Superintendent Jason Peplinski said. The district, which has been trying to attract more families to its schools, could get an additional $50 million in matching state funds if its $239 million bond passes, Peplinski said.
  • The Oxnard district needs to build new schools to ease overcrowding, Superintendent Cesar Morales said. The district also plans to replace portable classrooms, update existing campuses, and renovate libraries, among other projects. The district stands to get an additional $69 million in matching state funds if its $142.5 million bond passes, Morales said. "This would allow us to maximize the investment the community would be making in our local bond," Morales said. "It doesn't help only our district, but others across the state that have a lot of need."
  • Oak Park, which could get $10 million in state funds if its $60 million bond passes, also plans to renovate schools, as well as upgrade technology and provide facilities and equipment for music, arts and other programs.
  • Fillmore Unified is asking voters to approve a $35 million bond that would primarily fund school renovations and safety systems.       
Proposition 55 would extend a tax on people earning more than $250,000 a year, with the money going to K-12 schools and community colleges. Voters approved that tax in 2012, under Proposition 30, which also provides health care for low-income children. If Proposition 55 fails, the income tax increase would expire at the end of 2018.
Proposition 30 was promoted as a one-time tax that would allow schools to recover from the recession when they were forced to slash their budgets. That's just one reason Baarstad doesn't support extending the tax.
"It was supposed to be a temporary tax in an economic crisis," Baarstad said. "The economy has improved, and now they want to come back and make it semi-permanent."
If the tax is extended, it would last until 2024. However, the sales tax that was part of Proposition 30 would not be extended.
That's another reason Baarstad doesn't support Proposition 55. Under Proposition 30, the cost was shared because everyone has to pay sales tax, he said. But under Proposition 55, the tax would be limited to California's wealthiest residents.
"I don't think having people vote on a specific tax on other people is good tax policy," Baarstad said.
But Alfonso Gamino, superintendent of the Santa Paula Unified School District, says the tax means he wouldn't have to worry about laying off teachers, shortening the school year or cutting services, as he did during the recession.
"It's allowed us to focus on services," Gamino said. "We can continue with stable budgets."
Both measures have support among the state's major education organizations. Proposition 51 supporters include the California School Boards Association, California State PTA and the Community College League of California, as well as California State Firefighters Association and the California School Nurses Organization.
Proposition 55 supporters include the California Teachers Association and Tom Torlakson, the state superintendent of public instruction.
But both propositions have critics, too. Opponents argue that the campaign for Proposition 51 is largely funded by construction companies that stand to gain if it passes. They also say it potentially favors wealthier districts that may be in a better position to work the system.
Like Baarstad, critics of Proposition 55 argue that it extends what was supposed to be a temporary tax. They also say that the Legislature needs to fundamentally change how it funds schools, rather than relying on temporary solutions, such as Proposition 55.
That fundamental change, however, could take time, and today's students shouldn't suffer while the Legislature figures out funding, said Stan Mantooth, Ventura County superintendent of schools.
"We just need to recognize that we have a responsibility to the future, and you can't do that by keeping your wallet closed," Mantooth said.
For more information on these and other state bond measures, see the Secretary of State's Official Voter Information Guide:
More money for schools at stake in two state measures: