Friday, October 7, 2016

Michigan to Retain Children with Lead Poisoning

Michigan to Retain Children with Lead Poisoning:

Michigan to Retain Children with Lead Poisoning

Child drinking water. Boy drinking water from a glass

Michigan has a lead problem with its children in Flint, and a governor who failed badly his own accountability test. Many wonder why he is still governor. Some wonder why he isn’t in jail. But yesterday he signed off on a bill to fail third graders. How many children in Flint will wind up failing third grade due to the leaded water they drank? I’m guessing many.
So children fail, through no fault of their own, while the governor gets a pass. Fancy that.
I know there are exemptions to failing in Michigan, but that doesn’t excuse a rotten bill that highlights retention as something good.
We know that the fear of failing a grade for a child is on the same level as losing a parent. Once a child is humiliated by this action, they will have a difficult time ever fully recovering.
And children who fail third grade don’t do any better than those who are socially Michigan to Retain Children with Lead Poisoning: