Saturday, October 15, 2016

LAUSD’s Huntington Park Considers Charter School Moratorium | deutsch29

LAUSD’s Huntington Park Considers Charter School Moratorium | deutsch29:

LAUSD’s Huntington Park Considers Charter School Moratorium

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Los Angeles is the center of a major push by billionaires Eli Broad and the Waltons to expand the charter school sector.
However, a new, potential complication to the billionaire will for charter schools for non-billionaire children is the sensible idea that public servants might choose to officially put a hold on charter expansion until they can study the issue.
In other words, local officials might vote for charter school moratoriums.
Such is the case in Huntington Park, a city located within the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), as KPCC reports:
The turf war over the expansion of charter schools in the sprawling Los Angeles Unified School District has found an unlikely new battleground that measures exactly 3.1 miles square: the tiny city of Huntington Park.
On Tuesday, city council members there will vote whether to extend a temporary, city-wide moratorium on building new charter schools through early September 2017 — a “timeout” that would give city planning officials an additional 10 months and 15 days to study whether and how to allow new campuses to locate in a small city already packed with 22 schools.
As one might expect, the California Charter Schools Association (CCSA) doesn’t like the idea. CCSA is known for fabricated “grass roots” support in favor of charter school expansion– and CCSA is threatening to make a show of their power at the Huntington Park meeting on Tuesday. As KPCC continues:
Mayor Graciela Ortiz said the ordinance does not stem from political opposition to charter schools.
In an interview, she said Huntington Park does not have enough parks, 
LAUSD’s Huntington Park Considers Charter School Moratorium | deutsch29: