Wednesday, October 5, 2016

If I Were Secretary of Education – A Classroom Teacher’s Fantasy | gadflyonthewallblog

If I Were Secretary of Education – A Classroom Teacher’s Fantasy | gadflyonthewallblog:

If I Were Secretary of Education – A Classroom Teacher’s Fantasy

I will never be Secretary of Education.
Frankly, I’m just not qualified.
I’m only a classroom teacher. The powers that be don’t trust someone like me with that kind of responsibility. It’s okay to give me a roomful of impressionable children everyday, but there’s no confidence I can make sound policy decisions. For that we need someone with experience in management – not schools, pedagogy, children or psychology.
The presiding incumbent in this prestigious position, John King, somehow overcame that handicap. He had taught for three whole years at a charter school, but the bulk of his experience is in administration – administrating a Boston charter school with high suspension and attrition rates. He also was New York State Education Commissioner, where he single-handedly dismantled the state system of education and sparked one of the largest parental revolts in the nation in the state’s opt out movement.
The previous Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, was much more qualified, having never taught a day in his life. Before getting Congressional approval, he was appointed to run a charter school and later was entrusted as CEO of Chicago City Schools where he likewise blundered his way to the top with policy decisions that devastated a great system of public education.
What do I have to offer compared to all that? I only have more than a decade’s worth If I Were Secretary of Education – A Classroom Teacher’s Fantasy | gadflyonthewallblog: