Thursday, September 15, 2016

When Allies Do What Enemies Cannot - Living in Dialogue

When Allies Do What Enemies Cannot - Living in Dialogue:

When Allies Do What Enemies Cannot

By Anthony Cody.
This week there has been another round of mean spirited divisiveness aired in the education movement, this time directed at Diane Ravitch. Diane posted a link to an article in Inside Philanthropy that described a corporate foundation that was donating to public schools instead of trying to undermine them, as most philanthropies have been doing.
In the comments on this post her readers raised some concerns – the emphasis on STEM and other aspects of the funding. But a couple of people on another site went farther, and accused Diane of shilling for the company in part because her son has invested in it. Diane responded in the comments on her post:
I was sitting in the park yesterday when I read the Inside Philanthropy article, and immediately posted it because I was astonished to discover a company that gives money to the local public schools.
I knew nothing about the company other than what was in the article.
I had no idea that my son’s company had invested in it.
If I had known, I would not have posted the article.
In any event, he won’t make money as a result of my posting the reference.
This was a very low blow.
She added:
I will never understand why people who are critics of the same things that I am 
When Allies Do What Enemies Cannot - Living in Dialogue: