Sunday, September 18, 2016

Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 9/18/16

Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 9/18/16

Why Is the State of Florida Trying to Destroy its Own Public Schools ? – Florida Viewpoint
Why Is the State of Florida Trying to Destroy its Own Public Schools ? – Florida Viewpoint : Why Is the State of Florida Trying to Destroy its Own Public Schools ? The Assault Shows No Signs of Waning It sounds like an impossibility: the prospect of a state’s government working doggedly to destroy one of the very institutions it is charged with protecting and advancing. Careful and deliberate con
It’s a Sunday Evening Donation Request… - Wait What?
It’s a Sunday Evening Donation Request… - Wait What? : It’s a Sunday Evening Donation Request… Wait, What? readers, I’m writing to ask for your help and support. As many of you know, I am running as the Green Party candidate for Congress in Connecticut’s 2 nd Congressional District. My goal is to use this campaign to send a clear and powerful message to elected officials that politics as usual is
Sound Familar? Mexico to Cut Educational Spending in 2017 | News | teleSUR English
Mexico to Cut Educational Spending in 2017 | News | teleSUR English : Mexico to Cut Educational Spending in 2017 Overall investment in schools will fall below 5 percent of national income. The administration of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto plans to deepen c ontested education reform s, by cutting spending for facilities improvements, equipment access, and teacher training, the Mexican new
Everything You Need to Know About Opting Out of Harmful Technologies | Poetic Justice
Everything You Need to Know About Opting Out of Harmful Technologies | Poetic Justice : Everything You Need to Know About Opting Out of Harmful Technologies Let us keep in the forefront of our hearts, minds, and souls that our children have started a new school year full of testing, computer programs, shell-shocked teachers, and ravenous entrepreneurs making billions from the hostile take over of
“Learning is Earning” the Rand Corporation way with digital badges and Edublocks | Seattle Education
“Learning is Earning” the Rand Corporation way with digital badges and Edublocks | Seattle Education : “Learning is Earning” the Rand Corporation way with digital badges and Edublocks All of the elements are in place: There’s piece work employment without financial security or due process. The opportunity for corporations to pay employees in script instead of actual cash. Smart Contracts and the
Randi Weingarten: Trump Fails A Crucial Test | Huffington Post
Trump Fails A Crucial Test | Huffington Post : Trump Fails A Crucial Test Donald Trump doesn’t have any use for public schools — he never attended them, sent his kids to them or supported civic efforts to strengthen them. So perhaps it’s no surprise that Trump would propose a plan that would decimate public education . But 90 percent of America’s children attend public schools. Trump’s plan to ex
Teaching children grit: There's a dark side to convincing people to never give up — Quartz
Teaching children grit: There's a dark side to convincing people to never give up — Quartz : Teaching children grit could risk turning them into amoral jerks According to the grit narrative, children in the United States are lazy, entitled and unprepared to compete in the global economy. Schools have contributed to the problem by neglecting socio-emotional skills. The solution, then, is for schoo
What Texas did to its special-education students - The Washington Post
What Texas did to its special-education students - The Washington Post : What Texas did to its special-education students An investigation by the Houston Chronicle has revealed that unelected state officials in Texas “arbitrarily decided what percentage of students should get special education services” more than a decade ago and then began auditing school districts that did not comply. Their eff
The Little Light Of Mine (On EdCampBrooklyn and Movement Building) | The Jose Vilson
The Little Light Of Mine (On EdCampBrooklyn and Movement Building) | The Jose Vilson : The Little Light Of Mine (On EdCampBrooklyn and Movement Building) Yesterday, I had the chance to go to EdCampBrooklyn , the first EdCamp in the borough of Robinson, Wallace, and Carter (among others). When the founder, Juli-Anne Benjamin, asked me to come through, I only asked when, not if. The trek from Harle
The Parents' Campaign - a brighter future for Mississippi children
The Parents' Campaign : LATEST TOPICS Ed Report sends legislators' education votes right to your Facebook news feed 2016 Legislative Session Contact Legislators in Your School District Check Legislative Voting Records Key Findings on Education Issues Looking for legislators' contact information? Click here to find phone numbers, email addresses, and social media information for all of the legisla
What is the Purpose of School? Who Knows? Who Cares? - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher
What is the Purpose of School? Who Knows? Who Cares? - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher : What is the Purpose of School? Who Knows? Who Cares? I look forward to reading PDK's annual poll about public education. I think the information we get from broad surveys of people about the schools in their community, and public education in general, tells us a lot about things that matter
Allies Should Work Together, But Not Everyone Agrees | Diane Ravitch's blog
Allies Should Work Together, But Not Everyone Agrees | Diane Ravitch's blog : Allies Should Work Together, But Not Everyone Agrees Jim Horn has a website called “Schools Matter.” He opposes corporate reform, as I do. I have never met him. I hear he doesn’t like me. I don’t know why. I thought we were fighting for the same goals. The first time I became aware of his hostility was when he posted a
CURMUDGUCATION: The Lesson of Detroit
CURMUDGUCATION: The Lesson of Detroit : The Lesson of Detroit Last week a group of children in Detroit, Michigan sued the governor , the state board of education, the superintendent of public instruction, the director of technology, management and budget, and the state school reform/redesign officer. The lawsuit runs over 100 pages, but the table of contents provides a pretty clear outline of the
Why does the Newark Teachers Union need charity? |
Why does the Newark Teachers Union need charity? | : Why does the Newark Teachers Union need charity? NTU’s Abeigon The other day a friend told me that a mutual acquaintance, a private school teacher, had fallen seriously ill. The teacher’s friends and colleagues, he said, were raising money for her through GoFundMe, the online site for charitable giving, because the expenses she faced were almos
Meet the New York State Allies for Public Education (NYSAPE) Badass Teachers Association
Badass Teachers Association : Meet the New York State Allies for Public Education (NYSAPE) By: Marla Kilfoyle, Executive Director BATs and Steering Committee Member NYSAPE Who is NYSAPE? What do they do? Here is who they are and what they have accomplished! -->Gov. Cuomo stopped his bullying and created a task force. -->Ed Reformer Chancellor Tisch decided not to seek another term --->NYSAPE supp
Demand the Impossible! (excerpt 3) | Bill Ayers
Demand the Impossible! (excerpt 3) | Bill Ayers : Demand the Impossible! (excerpt 3) Bill Ayers -- Demand the Impossible!: A Radical Manifesto | Haymarket Books - In our pursuit of a world powered by love and reaching toward joy and justice, imagination is our most formidable and unyielding ally—the people’s common asset, an endowment to each
What is the Opposite of Transparent?
What is the Opposite of Transparent? : What is the Opposite of Transparent? The records you have requested are exempt from disclosure pursuant to California Government Code §6254(f) as they are the subject of an on-going investigation. ” – LAUSD Office of the General Counsel It has been almost two years since David Binkle was removed from his position as LAUSD’s Food Services Director. A draft au
CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: Catching up on your reading (9/18)
CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: Catching up on your reading (9/18) : ICYMI: Catching up on your reading (9/18) Money and race, money and race. Some weeks it feels as if that's all this is really all about. Remember to link and share and pass on the readings that speak to you. Everyone can amplify the voices they believe should be heard. Will equity without adequacy be enough to help Connecticut's neediest
What teachers wish they knew before they started teaching - Business Insider
What teachers wish they knew before they started teaching - Business Insider : What teachers wish they knew before they started teaching There are quite a few steps you need to take before you become a teacher. To become an elementary school teacher in a public school, for example, you not only need to hold a bachelor's degree, but you also need to prove you have the skills necessary to teach ele


Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 9/17/16
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 9/17/16 Featured Post Diane Ravitch Recommends: MY TWO CENTS – My thoughts on public education and other things Back to School 2016 - Part 2 by mike simpson / 5h Back to School 2016 -