Saturday, September 10, 2016

Keeping retirement weird. 500 broken treaties. | Fred Klonsky

Keeping retirement weird. 500 broken treaties. | Fred Klonsky:

Keeping retirement weird. 500 broken treaties.

At a little after 4PM yesterday I joined several hundred Native people and supporters gathered in a circle below the Chicago Picasso and took part in a Lakota prayer.
Over the past several days, rallies in support of the encampment at Standing  Rock have taken place in cities across the country.
We had heard that a judge had ruled against the protesters who want the pipeline construction halted that will move North Dakota oil across four states – North and South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois – and under two major rivers. It is a huge environmental threat to millions of people.
I am not a religious person. But as I joined in the Lakota prayer I had no doubt that we are on the side of the angels. There is no moral middle ground on this one. There is right and there is wrong.
It is not for me to say how the Lakota leaders – who have welcomed thousands to Standing Rock – should respond to the Obama action.
We do not have a good track record on promises to Native people in this country.
It is said that over 500 treaties were made with Native nations, primarily for land cessations, but 500 treaties were also broken, changed or nullified when it served the government’s interests.
Following the federal government’s announcement, I read this on the Standing Rock Facebook page:
Let’s be cautious about celebrating this.  On one hand it seems clear that our pressure is having an effect.   Let’s keep it up.
But we have seen time and time again a consistent strategy from the State in these situations: string out the process, break it to us gradually to avoid a big confrontation, present the illusion of careful thoughtful review of the case, tempt us with promises of modest Keeping retirement weird. 500 broken treaties. | Fred Klonsky: