Thursday, September 15, 2016

Former NFL Quarterback Supports Public Schools. That’s Right. PUBLIC Schools! | gadflyonthewallblog

Former NFL Quarterback Supports Public Schools. That’s Right. PUBLIC Schools! | gadflyonthewallblog:

Former NFL Quarterback Supports Public Schools. That’s Right. PUBLIC Schools!

So I’m in my classroom today, teaching, when I see something that stops me cold.
The door opens and in comes former Steelers backup quarterback Charlie Batch.
My mouth falls open. I don’t know what I was talking about. Vocabulary words or something.
The class of 8th graders falls silent, too. All eyes are on the two of us.
Batch looks me right in face with a big smile.
“Here you go,” he says and hands me a shopping bag full to bursting with school supplies and an extra-large tub of hand sanitizer.
By this time I’m probably blushing and grinning like my teeth are about to escape my face.
I hope I was able to mouth a “Thank you,” before he left, but I’m not really sure.
It all kind of happened in a daze.
He came. He gave me supplies. He left.
I guess I shouldn’t have been so taken by surprise.
Batch is a frequent face in my district. After all, he graduated from here, himself, before moving on to college and professional sports.
At the beginning of every year, Batch brings school supplies to every teacher in every building in the district. This was just the first time I was actually in the classroom when he dropped them off. Usually he sneaks in when I’m at lunch duty or Former NFL Quarterback Supports Public Schools. That’s Right. PUBLIC Schools! | gadflyonthewallblog: