Thursday, September 15, 2016

City Charter High School Has Locked Its Doors And Stranded Its Pupils – redqueeninla

City Charter High School Has Locked Its Doors And Stranded Its Pupils – redqueeninla:

City Charter High School Has Locked Its Doors And Stranded Its Pupils

Image result for unaccountable Charter Schools?

Why? Why Is This A Thing?
Why is the public afforded no right to follow its public monies behind the privacy hedge of unaccountable Charter Schools?
What’s it feel like to wake up one morning and discover your school has simply closed?
I’m guessing a whole jumble of feelings vie for primacy from angry, sad, betrayed, scared, anxious, small, vulnerable, unimportant … I’m guessing there’s a huge range of PTSD symptoms, none of which encompases, critically, any feelings at all that happen to be conducive to learning: supported, encouraged, bolstered, trusted, buoyed, secure, powerful, competent.
If the high schoolers of City Charter School on Olympic Blvd in West LA weren’t so busy scrambling to enroll in a new school one month after the start of the school year, we could ask them. Because over last weekend, reportedly, or perhaps as late as Monday night for some, that community was gathered together and informed it would imminently be no more.
As the mother of teenaged high schoolers, I can testify personally to their fragility, susceptible to hormones and insecurities and a pressurized academic system at the mercy of Big TestingHigh-StakesBig Business.
But as a veteran of some 18 years of overwrought admissions-induced panicking parents, it is worth remembering that empirically, kids command remarkable stores of resilience. Subjecting kids to a churn of insecurity will affect their immediate learning achievement, but it is the crisis of vulnerability that determines their plight as political collateral.
Expendable accessories to Education is what these kids have become.
Because for all intents and purposes, Charter schools are corporate educational entities that are not accountable to anyone, and sustain no corporate responsibility for the welfare of their constituent client-students. There is no accountability for Charter School’s finances, not for their academic integrity, not for their functionality, nor for betraying their – our – kids.
We do not know why City Charter HS closed its doors, and because it is not a City Charter High School Has Locked Its Doors And Stranded Its Pupils – redqueeninla:
Image result for unaccountable Charter Schools chartergate