Saturday, August 6, 2016

New Social-Emotional Standards to Complement Common Core

New Social-Emotional Standards to Complement Common Core:

New Social-Emotional Standards to Complement Common Core

Crumpled paper ball with red words "Bad idea" and background with words "idea" in woman hand.

If you thought Common Core State Standards were bad, look out! Here come the new social-emotional standards to complement Common Core—because nothing says children have feelings more than benchmarks!
Today’s Common Core State Standards are aligned to high-stakes testing that closes schools and pushes good teachers out.
Of course, many parents have not been happy with Common Core—so much so that it has been likened politically to a “third rail” topic with the Democrats. The Republicans seem to have dropped it from their platform as well. So don’t strain your ears listening for those words on the campaign trail.
But according to Education Week, there is an effort underway to produce standards to create caring, nurturing children. The Every Student Succeeds Act includes the push New Social-Emotional Standards to Complement Common Core: