Monday, August 8, 2016

LeadLearn2016 Professional Learning Conference - Letters (CA Dept of Education)

LeadLearn2016 Professional Learning Conference - Letters (CA Dept of Education):

Dear County and District Superintendents, Charter School Administrators, and Principals:
I am writing to share an exciting opportunity for teachers and administrators. On October 4–5, 2016, educators are invited to attend LeadLearn2016, a professional learning and teacher leadership conference hosted by the California Subject Matter Projects (CSMP) at the University of California, Los Angeles. In a unique and interactive conference, teams of school leaders will meet to hear from and engage with leading educational researchers, practicing teachers, and leaders from the CSMP, our statewide partner with more than 40 years of professional learning and teacher leadership experience.
LeadLearn2016 will provide teachers and administrators the opportunity to share ideas, join discipline-specific networks of teachers, and learn effective strategies for implementing the new California standards and frameworks in their classrooms.

Co-sponsored by the California Department of Education, this event will provide educators time to learn from each other and leaders across content areas as well as educational researchers focused on issues of equity and reducing the achievement gap. Please share the attached flyer with your colleagues as soon as possible; registration closes September 15, 2016. To register and for more information, please visit the LeadLearn2016 Web site at
The CSMP is a network of nine discipline-specific projects, designed by kindergarten through grade twelve and university educators, that provide rigorous professional development to enhance teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge. At regional sites throughout the state, the Subject Matter Projects lead communities of practice that promote high-quality teaching, leadership, and educational equity to support student learning. CSMP supports the implementation of the California standards and frameworks, most recently as authors of the history–social science and science frameworks, and by continuing to serve on the English language arts/English language development dissemination team. Successful implementation of California’s standards and frameworks requires that all teachers, in all content areas, are knowledgeable about and able to integrate these standards into their instruction. CSMP is committed and uniquely positioned to support this professional learning throughout the state.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Lawrence Corio of the University of California Office of the President via e-mail at
Thank you for engaging in professional learning and for your efforts on behalf of California’s students.
Tom Torlakson
Attachment (PDF)
LeadLearn2016 Professional Learning Conference - Letters (CA Dept of Education):