Monday, August 22, 2016

Julian Vasquez Heilig Spars with Steve Perry over Charters and Privatization | Diane Ravitch's blog

Julian Vasquez Heilig Spars with Steve Perry over Charters and Privatization | Diane Ravitch's blog:

Julian Vasquez Heilig Spars with Steve Perry over Charters and Privatization

 This video shows a panel discussion at the meeting of the National Urban League’s annual meeting.

There are four members of the panel, but the fireworks happen between Julian Vasquez Heilig, a noted scholar, and Steve Perry, who calls himself “America’s Most Trusted Educator.” Perry is opening a charter school in Harlem this fall. He has run a magnet school in Hartford, Connecticut.
Of course, Julian has the advantage in that he is deeply knowledgable about research and has a strong philosophical commitment to democratic governance and social justice. In addition to being a researcher, a professor, and a member of the board of the Network for Public Education, he is education chair of the NAACP in California.