Monday, August 15, 2016

Cutting teacher pay using the logic of an eight-year old. | Fred Klonsky

Cutting teacher pay using the logic of an eight-year old. | Fred Klonsky:

Cutting teacher pay using the logic of an eight-year old.

Our house has been empty of small children for a long time now. My own children are grown and are gone with only short visits home during the summer.
I am about to start the fifth year of my retirement and so my contact with little kids is limited to my volunteer ukulele time at a local public school.
But kid logic? I hear it every day coming from Rahm and the CPS board.
My grandkids are visiting this week. Like any good parents their parents have them on a routine and schedule at home. But routines and schedules fall all apart when families are on the road. Last night my grandson tried to argue that he was entitled to his 45 minutes of the TV time that he gets after dinner even though we had just come home from a larger family gathering and it was very late and way past his bed time.
He’s eight and his sense of fairness doesn’t extend to the larger picture. Since he always get that 45 minutes, it wasn’t fair.
Listening to Rahm, Claypool and the CPS board explain why they are demanding a 7% pay cut from the Chicago Teachers Union is like listening to Cutting teacher pay using the logic of an eight-year old. | Fred Klonsky: