Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Are Teachers Writing Their Own Epitaph in Favor of Online Instruction?

Are Teachers Writing Their Own Epitaph in Favor of Online Instruction?:

Are Teachers Writing Their Own Epitaph in Favor of Online Instruction

Empty tombstone on a graveyard

In places like Louisiana, teachers are being enlisted to help write online curriculum. School officials have determined that Common Core hasn’t worked out well. So isn’t it nice that they asked teachers to supplant Common Core by coming up with their own unit ideas?
Shouldn’t that make teachers feel good—that finally school officials, and businesses, and people marketing educational content finally believe in their professional worth?
Or, will teacher ideas become the online curriculum that eventually ends teaching careers?
Are teachers writing their own demise?  A recent report by Emily Talmage, about the political future of online learning, promoted by both political parties, should give us pause.
In my book Losing America’s Schools, the last chapter is about conversion of brick-and-mortar schools to online learning. Everyone is waking up to the fact that teachers may Are Teachers Writing Their Own Epitaph in Favor of Online Instruction?: