Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Schools Matter: Hamilton, Hillary, and Diane Ravitch

Schools Matter: Hamilton, Hillary, and Diane Ravitch:

Hamilton, Hillary, and Diane Ravitch
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Work Hard, Be Hard: Journeys through "No Excuses" Teaching

Just a week ago Diane Ravitch was pitching a petition drive by some Florida teachers urging Hillary Clinton to meet with Ravitch to get straightened out on education reform issues.  One petition signer left this comment at Ravitch's blog:

Ellen Lubic 
I signed and added this comment.
“It is imperative that you, Hillary Clinton, learn more about public schools v. charter schools. Most educators are not voting for you due to your insistence that charters are viable to take funding from true public education. Ravitch has the facts and speaks for most of America’s highly trained educators. I am a university professor of public policy.”
I have also sent this petition to all my lists with my personal note urging all to sign.
Then this past weekend, as both unpaid and paid activists convened in DC under the watchful gaze of NEA and AFT to declare to each other how much black lives matter to educators, Randi Weingarten was in Orlando making sure the Democratic platform reflected Clinton's "no excuses" charter priority and to have more special needs and ELL children attend these deracinating and dehumanizing schools.   

Fast forward to yesterday morning, and Bernie Sanders was with Clinton in New Hampshire to pledge his support for Clinton and to claim credit for what he described as the most progressive Democratic platform in 
Schools Matter: Hamilton, Hillary, and Diane Ravitch: