Saturday, July 9, 2016

Just Released: My 3rd Book, School Choice: The End of Public Education? | deutsch29

Just Released: My 3rd Book, School Choice: The End of Public Education? | deutsch29:

Just Released: My 3rd Book, School Choice: The End of Public Education?

school choice cover

It is now officially published. (As of this writing, it is only available in paperback; stay tuned for the electronic version.)
Here is a brief promo summary of the book:
Proponents of market-driven education reform view vouchers and charters as superior to local-board-run, community-based public schools. However, the author of this timely volume argues that there is no clear research supporting this view. In fact, she claims there is increasing evidence of charter mismanagement–with public funding all-too-often being squandered while public schools are being closed or consolidated. Tracing the origins of vouchers and charters in the United States, this book examines the push to ”globally compete” with education systems in countries such as China and Finland. It documents issues important to the school choice debate, including the impoverishment of public schools to support privatized schools, the abandonment of long-held principles of public education, questionable disciplinary practices, and community disruption.School Choice: The End of Public Education? is essential reading for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the past and future of public education in America.
Book Features:
* Provides a comprehensive historical account of the origins of vouchers and charters.
* Includes accounts of intriguing historical experiences.
* Examines the defunding of neighborhood public schools in favor of often-under-regulated charters.
* Reveals charter school ”churn” that often follows the closing of a mismanaged charter.
* Provides a cogent counternarrative to the claim that charters are necessary for America to compete globally.
And here is the enticing table of contents (click images to enlarge):

school choice TC 2
school choice TC 3
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school choice TC 5
In upcoming posts, I will feature some excerpts.
Until then, feel free to pore over my table of contents.
Thank you for reading.
all 3 books

Schneider’s other books are A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who In the Implosion of American Public Education and Common Core Dilemma: Who Owns Our Schools?.

both books

Don’t care to buy from Amazon? Purchase my books from Powell’s City of Books instead.

 Just Released: My 3rd Book, School Choice: The End of Public Education? | deutsch29: