Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Charter School Myths

Hillary Clinton and Charter School Myths:

Hillary Clinton and Charter School Myths

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Last night the report from the AFT convention was that Hillary Clinton once again spoke about how charter schools provided traditional public schools with innovation. This is a recurring theme with her—one that has already drawn boos from teachers in the NEA. As one teacher put it last night, is she tone deaf?
Charter schools are responsible for shutting down hundreds of schools. They don’t do anything particularly innovative, or if they do it is because they are given the luxury of having smaller classes or special circumstances which are not afforded real public schools. But charter chains often don’t do better on tests than traditional public schools.
And I know of nothing unique that charter schools do that would qualify as innovative.
So many educators and parents know this that it is an embarrassment, really, that Clinton still clings to this mantra of charter innovation. Is it because of her connection Hillary Clinton and Charter School Myths: