Sunday, June 12, 2016

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Thinking of the City of Orlando and Their Terrible Grief

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Thinking of the City of Orlando and Their Terrible Grief:

Thinking of the City of Orlando and Their Terrible Grief

What words do we have left in our venacular for what we as Americans have learned to tolerate?

So first, prayers, sympathies, hope for the survivors - all these to the families and friends of those killed in Orlando in last night's largest American mass shooting.

It's interesting because I had just seen a town hall with President Obama where an older gentleman asked him why he wanted to take "our guns."  The President said he didn't and, in fact, had never once in his presidency, suggested this.  He said what he did want to do is be able to not allow people on the federal watchlist for terrorism to not be able to legally get a gun.

I don't know if the shooter this time was on that list but he had been questioned, twice, by the FBI because of things he had said to others.

Update: here's a map of massing shootings since Newtown from Vox.  Pretty crowded. 

So what will it take for change?

 Clearly not a mass shooting at an elementary school.  When that happened in Scotland in the early '90s , they tightened up the gun law and the United Kingdom has not seen a mass shooting since.

Clearly not a mass shooting at a service base (see Fort Hood which, before last 
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Thinking of the City of Orlando and Their Terrible Grief: