Sunday, June 5, 2016

OSPI Candidate  Statements on the Seattle School Board’s  Request to Pursue Alternative to the SBAC | Seattle Education

OSPI Candidate Ron Higgins’  Statement on the Seattle School Board’s  Request to Pursue Alternative to the SBAC | Seattle Education:

OSPI Candidate  Statements on the Seattle School Board’s  Request to Pursue Alternative to the SBAC

We’re asking the OSPI State Superintendent candidates their position on Seattle Public Schools pursing alternative assessment frameworks under the Every Student Succeeds Act.
The following letter was sent to each candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Their responses will be published on June 5th. -editor. Hello Candidates, My name is Carolyn Leith and … Continue reading →
Seattle Public School Board votes to pursue alternative to SBAC under the Every Student Succeeds Act
  In a five to one vote with Stephan Blanford giving the lone “No” vote, the Seattle School Board passed a resolution in favor of requesting the state to provide an alternative … Continue reading →

OSPI Candidate Ron Higgins’  Statement on the Seattle School Board’s  Request to Pursue Alternative to the SBAC
In a five to one vote with Director Stephan Blanford giving the lone “No” vote, the Seattle School Board passed a resolution ,sponsored by Directors Sue Peters and Rick Burke, in favor of … Continue reading →
Chris Reykdal’s  Statement on the Seattle School Board’s  Request to Pursue Alternative to the SBAC
In a five to one vote with Director Stephan Blanford giving the lone “No” vote, the Seattle School Board passed a resolution ,sponsored by Directors Sue Peters and Rick Burke, in favor of … Continue reading →
David Spring’s Statement on the Seattle School Board’s  Request to Pursue Alternative to the SBAC
In a five to one vote with Director Stephan Blanford giving the lone “No” vote, the Seattle School Board passed a resolution ,sponsored by Directors Sue Peters and Rick Burke, in favor of … Continue reading →
Erin Jones’ Statement on the Seattle School Board’s Request to Pursue Alternative to the SBAC
In a five to one vote with Director Stephan Blanford giving the lone “No” vote, the Seattle School Board passed a resolution ,sponsored by Directors Sue Peters and Rick Burke, in favor of … Continue reading →
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