Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Marie Corfield: 7 Things Wrong with Gov. Christie's School Funding Proposal

Marie Corfield: 7 Things Wrong with Gov. Christie's School Funding Proposal:

7 Things Wrong with Gov. Christie's School Funding Proposal

There's an old joke that goes like this: 
Q: How do you know when a politician is lying? 
A: When their lips are moving.

I guess now that Christie's poll numbers are in the tank, his ego is pushing him to appear relevant. So what does he do when his back is against the wall? Attack public education of course. 

In true Christie style, he gave a speech yesterday that even Pinocchio would cringe at, ripping into the state's school funding formula—one of the most progressive in the nation—and vowing to change it to flat funding.

There are so many things wrong with it that it's hard to know where to begin. But let's start with this: Gov. Christie used the word 'unfair' seven times in his speech. So here are seven things that are unfair not only with his proposals, but with how he has treated public education over the past 6 years:

1. Gov. Christie has cut almost $7 billion in education funding statewide, and given away just about that much in corporate tax breaks, yet he has the nerve to claim that urban education is 'failing'.

2. Under Gov. Christie, urban charter schools have bled their host public school districts of hundreds of millions of dollars, which has forced massive layoffs and cuts to programs and vital services. 

3. Under Gov. Christie, segregation has skyrocketed in urban school districts as charters habitually skim the best and brightest (and least expensive to educate) Marie Corfield: 7 Things Wrong with Gov. Christie's School Funding Proposal: