Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Theft of the Tradition of Music in OUR Public Schools

The Theft of the Tradition of Music in OUR Public Schools:

The Theft of the Tradition of Music in OUR Public Schools

Elegant shot of a violin
How do politicians eliminate a school orchestra in this country and still sleep at night? How does a community adjust to such a theft when they tried so hard to keep the music playing?
The Loss of the Lafayette Elementary School String Orchestra
In 2013, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago politicians put an end to the popular Lafayette Elementary School String Orchestra. Little thought seemed to be given about the orchestra they shut down along with the school. Lafayette also had a respected program for students with autism.
As we end this school year, it is time for us as a city to begin the work of creating a deep and lasting change in our schools to ensure a better life for our children, a better Chicago workforce and a better future for our city. Everyone has a shared responsibility to ensure students have a safe and smooth transition to their new school in the fall and are on a path to a bright future. We owe them our very best.
A better life with no music? Who was she kidding? Not the community which came together to protest with a school sit-in.
Lafayette is in the Humboldt Park neighborhood. Ninety percent of the children there The Theft of the Tradition of Music in OUR Public Schools: