Sunday, May 1, 2016

Please Support NPE’s Political Action Fund! | Diane Ravitch's blog

Please Support NPE’s Political Action Fund! | Diane Ravitch's blog:
Please Support NPE’s Political Action Fund!

The Network for Public Education has two organizations.

One is tax-deductible and non-political. That is the Network for Public Education, which advocates for public schools and teachers and against high-stakes testing and privatization by research and conferences. NPE is recognized by the IRS as a c(3) organization.
The other is the Network for Public Education Action Fund, which engages in political action. NPE Action endorses candidates and actively supports political efforts to advance our agenda of free public education for all and better education for all. NPE Action Fund is recognized by the IRS as a c(4), meaning that it is not tax-deductible.
Both funds need your support.

At our annual conference a few weeks ago, we have announced the creation of memberships for the NPE Action Fund. This will give us the resources to help candidates who fight for better education for all.Please consider becoming a member and supporting our advocacy for children and real education.