Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A possible solution for Connecticut’s budget crisis – “Throw the bums out…” - Wait What?

A possible solution for Connecticut’s budget crisis – “Throw the bums out…” - Wait What?:

A possible solution for Connecticut’s budget crisis – “Throw the bums out…”

 Watching a horrible car crash take place would be less traumatic than witnessing Governor Dannel Malloy and the Connecticut General Assembly careen toward their constitutionally mandated deadline of midnight tonight (May, 4, 2016.)

While a Special Session of the Connecticut Legislature will undoubtedly be needed to “clean up” a state budget plan that was developed behind closed doors and remains a mystery to the people of Connecticut, and most of the legislators who will be voting for or against it in the coming hours, the sad reality is that most of the Democratic members of the Connecticut State Senate and State House of Representatives appear to be willing to vote for a state spending plan that continues to coddle the rich while instituting unprecedented cuts to vital human services, Connecticut public schools and other critically important programs.
As Connecticut’s media outlets report, details about the budget are “scarce.”
In fact, it would be impossible for most legislators to have a real understanding of how the Democrat’s “compromise” budget will impact the state, their districts or the people they have sworn to represent.
The media headlines paint a disturbing picture of the mismanagement that continues to mark Dannel Malloy’s time in office.…
A true snapshot of the problem becomes evident as the CT Mirror reports;
Democratic legislators ended a tense day of negotiations with the governor Tuesday by announcing a deal on a new state budget that the General Assembly will race to adopt Wednesday before the constitutional adjournment deadline of midnight.
Passage will require the cooperation of the Republican minority, an uncertain prospect after House Speaker J. Brendan Sharkey, D-Hamden, and Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano, R-North Haven, exchanged insults outside the Capitol pressroom.
Sharkey and Senate President Pro Tem Martin M. Looney, D-New Haven, largely glossed over the spending cuts necessary to balance the budget, 
A possible solution for Connecticut’s budget crisis – “Throw the bums out…” - Wait What?: