Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Teachers get ready. Another strike looming.

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Teachers get ready. Another strike looming.:

Teachers get ready. Another strike looming.

CTU  members and supporters marched through the loop Feb. 4th.
With a strike authorization vote from the rank-and-file in their pocket and a schools CEO who won't bargain in good faith, CTU leaders are preparing the membership for a strike on April 1st.

Rahm's fixer, Forrest Claypool, hasn't been able to fix anything. The mayor with the tough-guy rep, has turned into a pussy cat when it comes to taking on his pal, Gov. ("Little Trump") Rauner, who continues to hold the school budget hostage in an attempt to force CPS into bankruptcy. 

Faced with a new round of lay-offs and with Claypool's contract-busting push to drop the teachers' pension pick-up, amounting to a 7% pay cut, a strike seems to be the only course left to the CTU.

"For them to say 'You can't go on strike, but we can make a unilateral change in terms of employment by way of a 7 percent pay cut,' that's just an outrageous violation of the way labor law works," CTU Vice President Jesse Sharkey said at Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Teachers get ready. Another strike looming.: