Saturday, February 27, 2016

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Pre-K Work Session Review

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Pre-K Work Session Review:

Pre-K Work Session Review

I attended the Work Session on the City Pre-K last Wednesday.  An alert reader found this at the Seattle Schools' Facebook page just about a day ago. (bold mine)

Seattle Public Schools is looking to expand our partnership with the City of Seattle, Mayor Ed Murray, and the Seattle Preschool Program to start up more preschool opportunities for families. In 2014, ‪#‎Seattle‬ voters overwhelmingly approved an initiative to fund quality preschool throughout Seattle. Since then, SPS' Department of Early Learning and the City's Department of Education and Early Learning have been collaborating to operate three preschool classrooms. Right now, preschool is offered at Bailey Gatzert Elementary School, Van Asselt Elementary School, and Original Van Asselt. So first, when staff speaks of "Seattle Public Schools," doesn't that include the Board?  I'd like clarification on that because that was always my impression.

Because I did not come away from the Work Session believing the Board had said "yes, let's move forward."  There is still much discussion to be had and this announcement by staff at Facebook seems premature.  I was really encouraged by the thoughtful talk by directors around NOT bringing in pre-Ks, only to have to tell the City in a couple of years, "sorry, we need the space."  That is a very important consideration going forward.  It will HURT kids and families if that happens.  

Another point that needs clarification - to the public, including me - who is doing what in this partnership?  My earliest understanding of this program was that it is a "6-hour academic day" (that, according to Cashel Toner, includes nap and play), that the City had gone on a multi-city tour of pre-Ks in order to develop their program AND that included curriculum.
Much of the talk on Wednesday was about SPS teachers and their teaching.  That's fine but what curriculum and who developed it?  Really, it made it 
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Pre-K Work Session Review: