Sunday, February 14, 2016

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Let's Get Serious (Everyone but the Legislature Is)

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Let's Get Serious (Everyone but the Legislature Is):

Let's Get Serious (Everyone but the Legislature Is)

 We previously published opinions from several editorial boards from around the state, all chiding the legislature for their lack of progress on fulfilling McCleary to fully funding public education in Washington state. 

The Seattle Times has finally weighed and they agree.  Choice quotes:
Team Olympia can't even punt without squabbling over details.

That's a sad, sad commentary that work is of such weak quality and yet it still gets argued over.

State lawmakers should stop rattling their partisan swords over education-funding reform, which has pushed Washington to the brink of a constitutional crisis. 

Yup and if legislators here have any questions, go ask their compatriots in the Kansas legislature about their situation.  (The Kansas Supreme Court ruled that the legislature can either find the funding for schools or there will be no school year 2016-2017.)   

Regardless of how one feels about the Supreme Court's assertiveness, nobody 
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Let's Get Serious (Everyone but the Legislature Is):