Saturday, February 13, 2016

Keeping retirement weird. I could have been a contender. | Fred Klonsky

Keeping retirement weird. I could have been a contender. | Fred Klonsky:

Keeping retirement weird. I could have been a contender.


 Retirement has meant me working out on a regular basis with my trainer Mike at the gym. Not as regular as my trainer Mike would like.

But, you know.


The results of the past three years seem remarkable to me. I am down 20 to 30 pounds, depending on the month and the level of my dining self-discipline. And I feel better. I hurt less. I can bend over to pick up Ulysses’ dog poop without uttering a strange noise. I have biceps that nearly fill the sleeves of my smaller t-shirts. I can’t say that I love workouts. But I am happy with the results.

Last week I put on the boxing gloves for the first time and started hitting the boxing pads Mike holds up.

I beat up a punching bag.

I love this exercise.

It’s hard work. I sweat.

I visualize people who have pissed me off in public life and in my personal Keeping retirement weird. I could have been a contender. | Fred Klonsky

Art + Activism. Our exhibit opened last night.

A constant flow of friends and Chicago’s activists kept the Uri-Eichen Gallery packed to the gills most of the night for the opening of an exhibit of work by my friend Ellen Gradman and me.
Spoken word artist Jalen – he enters Whitney Young High School in the fall Art + Activism. Our exhibit opened last night.
