Saturday, February 20, 2016

Charter School Champion Hates Bernie Sanders, Prefers Hillary Clinton | gadflyonthewallblog

Charter School Champion Hates Bernie Sanders, Prefers Hillary Clinton | gadflyonthewallblog:

Charter School Champion Hates Bernie Sanders, Prefers Hillary Clinton

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Bernie Sanders doesn’t like charter schools enough.
To me that’s an endorsement.
But to Shavar Jeffries, it’s a condemnation.
Jeffries is the executive director of Democrats for Education Reform (DFER), a hedge fund front promoting the privatization of public education.
Despite its name, the group doesn’t represent the views of most Democrats. It represents the neoliberal branch of the party that has heavily influenced the education policy of Barack Obama, Arne Duncan, Cory Booker, Bill Gates and other prominent so-called liberals.
One can see why Jeffries isn’t Feeling The Bern. Sanders famously said THIS in January about the industry DFER promotes:
I’m not in favor of privately run charter schools. If we are going to have a strong democracy and be competitive globally, we need the best educated people in the world. I believe in public education; I went to public schools my whole life, so I think rather than give tax breaks to billionaires, I think we invest in teachers and we invest in public education. I really do.
More to Jeffries’ taste is Hillary Clinton who he says backed off on her own charter Charter School Champion Hates Bernie Sanders, Prefers Hillary Clinton | gadflyonthewallblog: