Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Breaking laws or breaking children? A list of data and the laws. – Missouri Education Watchdog

Breaking laws or breaking children? A list of data and the laws. – Missouri Education Watchdog:

Breaking laws or breaking children? A list of data and the laws.

Are secret algorithms and mandated data collection violating basic human rights and existing law?  A list of each: data and law.

data and the law
The data:
  • Secret data collecting and predictive algorithms happening to school children here.
  • Data badges, micro-credentials and competency based education here.
  • Children being (mis)labeled in schools, how every state has an SLDS database and data dictionary of student personally identifiable information here.
  • FERPA is a data sharing law: the FERPA “secret” from a data expert and advisor to Ed-Fi and the US Dept of Ed,  on how to share data with anyone, without having to de-identify it here.
  • First in the nation, Education-Workforce-Credentialing $10 million pilot, with LinkedIn building tools to share data on a “massive scale” –and– a 327 page workforce blueprint to align SLDS databases and share data here.
  • The astonishing amount of information collected on children here and here.
  • Data insecurity: US Dept of Ed and it’s lack of security, lack of accountability and perceived lack of  integrity in protecting your children’s data here.
 The laws:nuremberg square

Meet the Nuremberg Code:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” -The Nuremberg Code
The Nuremberg Code is a U.S. law that lists many criteria which must be met before conducting research on humans, including consent. In fact, the Nuremberg Code is the basis requires Internal Review Boards (IRBs) designated to approve, monitor, and review biomedical and behavioral research involving humans. In the case of studies involving the use of educational tests, there are specific Breaking laws or breaking children? A list of data and the laws. – Missouri Education Watchdog: