Sunday, February 28, 2016

Because I love my daughter…Because all of our children are simply that important! - Wait What?

Because I love my daughter…Because all of our children are simply that important! - Wait What?:

Because I love my daughter…Because all of our children are simply that important!

We are opting out children out of the unfair, inappropriate and discriminatory Common Core testing craze because our children deserve public schools that are focused on providing all children with a comprehensive, quality and empowering public education.
We are fighting back against the so-called “education reformers” because public education is the foundation upon which fulfilling lives. Its purpose is not to make the corporate elite richer.
We are taking back our public schools because education is more than a standardized test score and our public school teachers should be evaluated on the quality of their work and not on test scores driven by factors beyond their control.
This weekend, the 2016 Opt Out Conference in Philadelphia is bringing together parents, teachers, academics and public education advocates from across the country to discuss developments and share strategies in our on-going battle to protect our children, teachers and public schools from the corporate education reform industry and the standardized testing companies that are turning our children into guinea pigs and our public schools into little more than testing factories and profit centers.
Steve Singer is a public school teacher, parent and fellow education blogger and advocate was among those who have been participating in the sessions.
His willingness to be a powerful voice for children, parents, teachers and public schoolBecause I love my daughter…Because all of our children are simply that important! - Wait What?:s