Monday, January 4, 2016

Who Needs “Education” Anyway? | Save Maine Schools

Who Needs “Education” Anyway? | Save Maine Schools:

Who Needs “Education” Anyway?

I’m telling you – these guys just keep letting the cat out of the bag.
Jamie Merisotis, who makes $619,334 a year as CEO of the Lumina Foundation, recently suggested in this article that we combine the U.S. Department of Education with the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of the Department of Labor and the talent recruitment functions of the Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) of the Department of Homeland Security into one, super “Department of Talent.”
“The net result,” Merisotis writes, “would be an agency actually aimed at the true outcome of the policies inherent in the current disconnected mess—talent—rather than an agency that is focused on processes and tools like “education,” “training,” “visas,” and so on.”
And yes – he actually puts “education” in quotes.
According to Merisotis, this new super-department “could develop and implement strategies for high-quality, locally managed workforce development programs…Ideally, there would be a coordinated approach that seamlessly relates K-12 standards to learning outcomes frameworks for education and training beyond high school.”
In other words, it would do what our current Department of Education is busy doing: turning our local public schools into Who Needs “Education” Anyway? | Save Maine Schools: