Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What Chicago Schools Need and Deserve – Troy LaRaviere's blog

What Chicago Schools Need and Deserve – Troy LaRaviere's blog:


 Absurd ProposalLast week, I listened to reports of a State attempt to takeover Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and pave the way for bankruptcy proceedings, the way one might listen to a report of UFOs spotted over Lake Michigan.  “Is this a joke?” I thought to myself.
While the Board of Education and Chicago’s Mayor have been reckless in their management of Chicago’s schools, the State has proven itself to be far more inept. Let’s not forget that it was the state that thought it would be a good idea to give control to the mayor in the first place. It is the state whose teacher pension system is in worse shape than the Chicago pension system. It is the state that can’t pass its own budget, and it is the state that passed the legislation enabling CPS to engage in the risky borrowing practices that lost the district over $100 million. Suggesting the state manage the affairs of Chicago Public Schools makes about as much sense as recommending a cocaine addict handle the affairs of an alcoholic.
A Failed StrategyGovernor Rauner–who backs the state takeover proposal–represents many of the same privatization interests as the mayor.  Emanuel’s privatization-friendly school policies have depressed student achievementwidened the academic achievement gap and redirected tax dollars intended for schools to private for-profit interests. From his reckless borrowing, to his wasteful spending on poor performing for-profit charter and alternative schools, this mayor has shown his cards repeatedly.  His policies What Chicago Schools Need and Deserve – Troy LaRaviere's blog: