Sunday, January 24, 2016

Vouchers and the Destruction of America’s Public Schools

Vouchers and the Destruction of America’s Public Schools:

Vouchers and the Destruction of America’s Public Schools

High resolution image symbol. 3d illustration over  white backgrounds.

It’s hard to believe that vouchers are being promoted across the country and are once again being considered in the State of Tennessee. Voters there have made it known time-and-again that they don’t like vouchers.
Here the Tennessee Momma Bears give information to speak out against vouchers. They tell us that $130 million will be taken from public schools if the voucher bill passes. They remind us that some public schools in this state are suing because they don’t have money for essentials like toilet paper!
If you are from Tennessee, please consider emailing or calling your Congressman to ask them not to vote for vouchers. Do it before Tuesday, January 26.
It is deceptive to promote vouchers—like in Tennessee where Governor Haslam has proclaimed January 24-30 as Tennessee School Choice Week—implying opportunity for parents.
Many of these same politicians put in place policies to under fund real public schools and foist draconian reforms onto the children in those schools. This drives parents to Vouchers and the Destruction of America’s Public Schools: