Sunday, January 31, 2016

Teach Your Children | Johnathan Chase | LinkedIn

Teach Your Children | Johnathan Chase | LinkedIn:

Teach Your Children

The opening of Graham Nash's 1970 song, "Teach Your Children" reminds the listener of the critical role of character development in K-12 education programs and the importance of acquiring a moral compass that will support and guide every learner during their self-directed academic, social, and emotional journey to adulthood.
"You, who are on the road must have a code that you can live by.
And so become yourself because the past is just a good bye."
Education programs should provide countless opportunities for students to discover their talents and pursue their passions, instead of being an obligation and competition to be “ready” for college and careers.
Schooling should be about students learning to love, being loved, and cultivating a love of learning, rather than students learning primarily for assessment.
"We always find time for what we truly love, one way or another.
Suppose further that love, being an inclusive spirit, refused to choose between Shakespeare and Toni Morrison (or Tony Bennett, for that matter), and we located our bliss in the unstable relationship between the two, rattling from book to book, looking for connections and grandly unconcerned about whether we’ve read “enough,” as long as we read what we read with love…
The whole world’s a classroom, and to really make it one, the first thing is to believe it is.
We need to take seriously the proposition that reflection and knowledge born Teach Your Children | Johnathan Chase | LinkedIn: