Thursday, January 7, 2016

Storm Clouds Over Hillary Clinton’s Education Agenda

Storm Clouds Over Hillary Clinton’s Education Agenda:

Storm Clouds Over Hillary Clinton’s Education Agenda

Hillary Clinton gets positive points for speaking out about autism and mental health. She mentions student transition from high school to young adulthood where there exists a worrisome gap. There is more she proposes here. Mrs. Clinton also brought up the sensitive topic of seclusion and restraints involving students with serious disabilities. We need that conversation–and to find alternative ways for teachers to work with students who act out violently.
Still, I am concerned about Mrs. Clinton’s overall ideology when it comes to public schools. I am not saying there are any Republican candidates whose ideas grab me in this arena either. At least Hillary Clinton is speaking out about children, and it is refreshing she mentioned autism, and also the need for mental health services. But I am writing today about the concerns I have with some of her other ideas about students and their public schools.
Teach for America.
Secretary Clinton supports a National Teaching Corps which is synonymous with Storm Clouds Over Hillary Clinton’s Education Agenda: