Thursday, January 7, 2016

Newark’s teachers’ union fights back–but will it be supported by members? Or the mayor? | Bob Braun's Ledger

Newark’s teachers’ union fights back–but will it be supported by members? Or the mayor? | Bob Braun's Ledger:

Newark’s teachers’ union fights back–but will it be supported by members? Or the mayor?

NTU's Abeigon
Newark’s teachers’ union fights back–but will it be supported by members? Or the mayor? | Bob Braun's Ledger:

 The head of the Newark Teachers Union (NTU), invoking the sacrifices faced  by the union in the past, has called on current members to oppose efforts by the school district’s state managers to make unilateral changes in the school employees’ prescription drug program. John Abeigon’s contention that the unilateral change is a “punch in the face” that must be answered with “action” carries with it the risk union members are simply not up for a fight and will have few political allies in Newark.

“Stand in the place of that teacher (who didn’t know you) who 30 years ago risked her job but stood afraid yet strong and united in the fight for her rights and your benefits,” Abeigon said in an email to all members. “We are all her beneficiaries.”
At issue is the decision by state-appointed superintendent Christopher Cerf to change prescription providers from General Prescription Program (GPP) to Benecard Services without negotiating the change with either the union or with the Supplemental Fringe Benefits Fund (SMFP), a program set up decades ago to provide benefits to Newark teachers.
On New Year’s Eve,  with the schools closed and school employees on vacation, Vanessa Rodriguez, the state district’s “chief talent officer,” informed GPP its participation would end Feb. 1 and directed the service to provide her with personal information about subscribers.
Rodriguez’s letter did not specify a replacement provider but Abeigon says discussions with the district indicate the state wants to give the contract to Benecard Services, Inc., a company founded by former Republican senate and gubernatorial candidate Douglas Forrester. The union president also said the broker for the transaction could be Connor, Strong, Buckelew, a company headed by George Norcross III, the Democratic boss of South Jersey who has been a Newark’s teachers’ union fights back–but will it be supported by members? Or the mayor? | Bob Braun's Ledger: