Saturday, January 2, 2016

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Were Rahm & Rauner drinking Cuba Libres together in Havana?

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Were Rahm & Rauner drinking Cuba Libres together in Havana?:

Were Rahm & Rauner drinking Cuba Libres together in Havana?

Cuba libre
Send lawyers, guns and money. The shit has hit the fan. -- Warren Zevon
Happy New Year to all.

And a special New Year's welcome back from Cuba goes out to both Mayor Emanuel andGOV. RAUNER. Got that last piece from reliable sources who say they spotted the gov in Havana. Are reporters even curious? I mean, Rahm/Rauner wining and dining together in Cuba while the city sizzles and the state floods (literally).

At our family New Year's get together, we all wrote down our predictions for 2016 and put them in a box. No, not about weight loss. That's so 2015. Yes, it's all about politics. Mostly easy stuff like Hillary's winning in November. Against who? Rubio? I hear she's already shopping for new drapes for the White House.

The prediction box
I think I'm the only one predicting and early Rahm Emanuel exit. I just think that the persistence of the #RahmResign protests combined with federal investigations and e-mail leaks about his role in the cop-shooting cover-up, plus the deepening financial crisis and impending property tax revolt, all add up to an unmanageable city. He's got corporate and DNC undies in a twist.

I know that the cops want him gone. The sooner the better.

At least this cop does. Check out this video clip:Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Were Rahm & Rauner drinking Cuba Libres together in Havana?: