Thursday, January 21, 2016

Mandating Common Sense—21 School Reforms that Need to Go

Mandating Common Sense—21 School Reforms that Need to Go:

Mandating Common Sense—21 School Reforms that Need to Go

erasing nonsense concept illustration design over a white background

 Gov. Chris Christie just vetoed a mandate for New Jersey children to get recess. A lot of people–including me–are not happy with this decision. He obviously thinks school boards should determine how much recess students should get, but does he realize the problem with recess? Recess is a heated topic with parents across the country. If he wants to be President he should know about it.

It is abusive not to allow students several recess breaks a day.
But one also has to admit, it is strange that so many terrible reforms in this country have reached the point where we need mandates to correct what should be common sense.
Here are 20 examples of terrible school reforms that make most people stop and think–REALLY?
    1. Withholding recess from young children (even middle school).
    2. Administering bubble tests to kindergartners.
    3. Making kindergarten the new first grade.
    4. Insisting everything a child learns must be aligned to a test.
    5. Idolizing testing and believingMandating Common Sense—21 School Reforms that Need to Go: