Friday, January 29, 2016

IMPORTANT ALERT - Students, Parents, Teachers are being bullied about opting out of testing madness - Wait What?

IMPORTANT ALERT - Students, Parents, Teachers are being bullied about opting out of testing madness - Wait What?:
IMPORTANT ALERT – Students, Parents, Teachers are being bullied about opting out of testing madness

Reports are coming in from around the state that under pressure for Governor Malloy’s Commissioner of Education, some local school officials are, once again, engaged in underhanded efforts to mislead students and parents about their rights related to the unfair, inappropriate and discriminatory Common Core SBAC and SAT testing schemes.
Last spring, some superintendents and principals went so far as to threaten children that they would not be promoted to the next grade or would not be able to graduate from high school if they did not take the Common Core SBAC test.
Such a statement is a lie!
Threatening students and parents is not only unprofessional, unethical and immoral, it is illegal.
Parents have the fundamental and unalienable right to opt their children out of the testing program and any attempt to take that right away is a civil rights violation under federal and state law.
Readers of Wait, What?
If you know of any situation in which state or local officials are engaged in efforts to bully, harass or mislead parents or students about their opt-out rights or are threatening teachers that they may not provide parents and students with accurate information about the Common Core testing, please get in contact immediately.
Information, including any related documentation, should be sent
The source of the information will be kept completely confidential.
(Please Note – School administrators and teachers wishing to report inappropriate efforts to prevent parents and students from opting out of the SBAC and SAT testing should use IMPORTANT ALERT - Students, Parents, Teachers are being bullied about opting out of testing madness - Wait What?: