Sunday, December 20, 2015

Weird Words and Phrases about Schools and Common Core

Weird Words and Phrases about Schools and Common Core:

Weird Words and Phrases about Schools and Common Core

William Shakespeare in period clothing sitting in school desk with laptop computer and hand to head looking perplexed.
Omit needless words.
EB White The Elements of Style (p.23)
It is time to revisit my list of weird education terminology. I have added some new words and phrases from Common Core State Standards, and provide links to other lists and explanations.
Education jargon has always been confusing, but it is even more so today. I think education reformers try to impress with words and wordiness. Mostly, it looks odd. A lot of it also sounds like its purpose is to be confusing, or intent on getting tough on students.
One of my favorite lists is the Educational Jargon G from the science geek. HERE.
Marilee Sprenger lists critical Common Core words. I find it interesting that without Common Core these words probably wouldn’t be critical. HERE.
Here is what’s called Source Coding from Vocabulary for Common Core, 2013 Marzo Weird Words and Phrases about Schools and Common Core: